September 27, 2011

Cut Burn Poison

Cut Poison Burn
Cut Poison Burn is a searing film that illuminates the grim truth about America’s so-called War on Cancer. This thought-provoking documentary takes on the forces that have conspired to thwart meaningful advances in cancer research and treatment over the past century. These forces include the federal government (in its effort to label and persecute innovators as quacks), drug companies eager to suppress alternative treatments and powerful industry organizations that place profit over human lives. The story centers on the Navarros, a family struggling to keep their young son alive. The war between the Navarro Family and the FDA is perhaps this country’s greatest evidence as to why there should be medical freedom. As the personal meets the political, we see how the FDA holds a vise-like grip on treatment options. Heart-wrenching and informative, the film ultimately expresses hope that we can create a new paradigm of prevention, medical freedom and acceptance of highly-tailored therapies to usher in a more enlightened era. Over 12 years, 150 hours of footage and interviews with top oncologists, researchers, policy-makers, homeopaths and patients carry the story and reveal that we are on the brink of disaster and in desperate need of reform.
One authority hopes we'll soon look back at chemotherapy and laugh, as we do now at prior eras' notions of bleeding patients. The success rates of chemo and radiation therapy are debatable, their potential side effects ranging from nausea to immune-depressed infection, organ damage, blindness, IQ loss … and cancer.
While Thomas Navarro was legally barred from continuing his alternative regime until too late, the filmmakers trot out other patients who claim Burzynski cured them outright. (Even then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush briefly took up the family's cry for "medical freedom.") The government spent 13 years and $18 million prosecuting Burzynski in what's been called a witch-hunt trial, only to acquit him on all 75 counts.
But "Cut Poison Burn's" evangelical zeal doesn't allow Burzynski's many detractors enough space to explain precisely why they consider his notions quackery (like laetrile, the illegal alleged cancer therapy President Reagan supposedly utilized while in office). In the end, as President Obama is heard again raising hopes for a "cure in our lifetime," pic's strongest argument is the basic one that, "Doctors should be free to innovate -- that's how medicine moves forward."
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You will see in the documentery:
  • FDA/Pharmaceutical corruption against true cancer cure
  • President Ronald Reagan used alternative treatment in secret and bid his colon cancer without chemo/radiation and lived till his 90's
  • Dr Burzynski's surviving patients who refused convention treatment

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