One of the least known well-documented cures for cancer was created by a German biochemist and physicist named Johanna Budwig in the 1950's. Dr. Budwig was a leading authority on fats, oils and nutrition.
She believed that cancer, as well as the vast majority of illnesses, was primarily caused by the improper processing of foods and oils, particularly the overheating or boiling of oils. Her patients were those so terminally ill that traditional medical practitioners had given up on them, with many having been given only days or hours to live. She treated these patients with a simple diet based on a combination of flaxseed oil and sulphurated protein.
While studying the blood samples of cancer patients and healthy persons, Dr. Budwig concluded that those with cancer had gross deficiencies of phosphatides and lipoproteins, while those without cancer did not. This deficiency resulted in a reduced oxygen level in the cells. It is well known that cancer cells can thrive only in an anaerobic environment. Her task was then to create a method by which cells could be re-oxygenated. Noting that saturated fats lacked the necessary pi-electron shells necessary to provide the high energy levels needed to effect oxygen transport, she discovered that unsaturated fats were the key in obtaining these pi-electrons. Flaxseed oil provides linoleic and linolenic fatty acids, both rich in high energy producing pi-electron. These fatty acids render the body able to assimilate and transfer immense amounts of oxygen into the cells, allowing for oxidation and detoxification of cellular waste. They also enable the restoration of the lipid membrane of cells so essential to intra and extra cellular balances.
Another significant aspect of Dr. Budwig's work is her acknowledgement of the connection between the human body and the sun. She demonstrated that when the body is nourished with health giving oils and proteins, the pi-electrons serve as a resonance system for the sun's energy.
As you can see, the Budwig diet is not really a method of curing cancer in and of itself. It simply helps correct an omega 3 deficiency that, when corrected, allows the body to heal itself. The benefits of this diet are not confined to those battling cancer, but extend to the healing of those with liver dysfunction, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, stomach ulcers, eczema, immune deficiencies, MS, IBS and other diseases. Its value as a preventative cannot be overstated.
There are thousands of documented cases of recovery from cancer with the Budwig diet. For her research and practice, Dr. Budwig was nominated for six Nobel Prizes. She was also subjected to endless vilification and harassment by the orthodox medical establishment, and the German pharmaceutical industry. Publication of her clinical studies and research papers was refused. However, her books "Flax Oil As a True Aid Against Arthritis Cancer and Other Diseases" has been used by many to heal themselves of cancer. Johanna Budwig died in 2003 at the aged 95 years old.
In 2001 Duke University announced a new pilot study they were conducting that suggested that flaxseed oil and a low fat diet can help those with cancer.
TESTIMONIALS speak louder than proof!
Read some testimonial from a long list of people benefitted from Budwig diet.
1] Diet
2] Eldi Oils - external application on skin (log in to support group for detail to order)
3] Sunshine - appropriate exposure to sunlight for vitamin D
4] Environment - avoid chemicals & negative energy in the immediate environment.
5] Exercise if feeling well enough - a walk outside in the fresh air is a start.
6] Stress - it's important to reduce stress & learn to relax the mind & body.
- Upon waking up: 1 cup Sauerkraut Juice (cabbage enzyme juice)
- Breakfast: Green tea, then follow by FOCC mixture (see below for FOCC recipe instruction)
- Mid morning: 1 glass of fresh juice
- Before Lunch: 2 tbsp grounded flaxseed in 1 glass organic wine
- Salad with permitted flaxseed oil dressing and steamed vegetables.
- FOCC mixture
- 2 tbsp grounded flaxseed in 1 glass wine
- 2 tbsp grounded flaxseed in 1 cup fruit juice (carrot, pineapple etc)
- 2 tbsp grounded flaxseed in 1 cup papaya juice
- Salad with permitted flaxseed oil dressing and steamed vegetables.
- Vegetable soup (or hippocrates soup)
How to make cottage cheese or yogurt cheese to be used in FOCC mixture
Forbidden FOOD list:
- NO hydrogenated oils, NO trans-fats, (cold pressed sunflower seed oil is a better choice than olive oil)
- NO animal fats NO pork (pigs are the cleaners of the earth and their meat is loaded with toxins. ham, bacon, sausages, etc should be avoided)
- NO seafood (lobsters, clams, shrimp, all fish with a hard shell are cleaners of the sea and are loaded with toxins..)
- White regular pasta is eliminated, as is white bread, (Spelt pasta and bread is a better choice than wheat as many cancer patients have an intolerance to wheat, whole Rye, Oat, Multigrain bread is good. Corn is very discouraged (because of mold and genetic modification issues).
- NO ice cream or dairy products (other than the cottage cheese and some cheese)
- NO cane sugar, white sugar, molasses, maple syrup, Xylitol, preservatives
- NO processed foods (NO store bought pastries), make your own with our recipes
- NO Soy products (unless fermented or used for 2 or 3 weeks at the beginning if you cannot tolerate the cottage cheese)
- Avoid pesticides and chemicals, even those in household products & cosmetics. Good old vinegar, as well as baking soda are excellent household cleaners (look on the Internet for more info)
- NO microwave, NO Teflon or aluminium cooking ware or aluminium foil. We recommend and provide during your stay at Budwig Center enamel cooking ware. Stainless steel, ceramic, cast iron, glass and corning cooking wear are fine.
Dr. Budwig warned against using her protocol in conjunction with other therapies that could go against the benefits of her formula. Oxygen therapies, Laetrile (Vitamin B17 injections), Vitamin C infusions and most supplements should not be combined with the program. Check with the Budwig Center if you are not sure.
reseach paper: the role of Vit D in Cancer prevention
You don't have to walk this journey alone. A yahoo support group founded in 2001 with over 12,000 members has gathered a tremendous amount of personal accounts of success stories. Log in and join other fellows cancer fighters who uses Budwig protocol as their primary cancer weapon. Invaluable information and friendly people.
FlaxSeedOil2 support group
It is recommended to follow strictly to Dr Budwig's recommended diet and routine for maximum healing benefit, any alteration to her protocol might hinder the success rate that she claimed.
As for my personal note and encouragement for the Asians, having deal with the disease is challenging and taking in high dose of cottage cheese is not easily fit into the asian's palate, what more a German saeurkraut juice that we might never heard of before. To solve this challenge myself, I substitute the sauerkraut with the asian version of enzyme like fruit enzyme, kimchi, kefir or komchucha which has recently becoming more well known in this region.