As Malaysia government will provide free vaccines for all form1 students.
The vaccines are effective(if at all) for only 4-6years after vaccination, why is the government vaccinate girls at 13year old? ie they are protected if they have sex before 20 and it's not effective if they have sex after 19? Are your girls so sexually active during 13-20 that warant the vaccine at age 13 for the risk of many side effect and possible death?
Gardasil specifically blocks the synthesis of the estrogen that activates ovulation, but not the other estrogens, renders girls infertile. Infertility doesn’t show up as a health effect because the menstrual cycle proceeds normally.
bee says:
My 14 year old daughter has been sick for 3 years now after getting gardasil vaccine. She is my only child, was active in sports, school, could run, skip and jump higher and faster than most kids her age. She was healthy and a very normal little girl-she walked normal. Then approx 2 weeks after the last shot she started falling down to the ground for no apparent reason, she would just fall down. She started walking funny and swaying from side to side-the doctors said it was nothing; maybe its a preteen swag they’d say. Ped doctor sent her to a podiatrist who made molded shoe inserts. I waited for a followup appt-then I noticed her legs side by side and they had started to shrink in size-the muscles were getting smaller, her calves would ache she had shocking type pain in her legs and feet- pediatrician sent her to orthopedic doc then; who gave me the bad news it was very serious illness and she needed a neurologist immediately. By this time it had been 2 months, I bought crutches, big handicapped boots for her to walk in and all sorts of devices to help her walk and put on her legs and feet. I would look at her feet at night and the toes were pointing downward which is called drop-foot and her feet started to become twisted and contracted. I would exercise her feet and legs as much as I could but it didn’t stop the wicked illness she had developed in her legs and was taking over her body. She was fainting and have pain all over, numbness in areas over her feet, she was twitching all over, her heart was racing and pounding, she developed severe psoriasis on her scalp, she had weird sensations in her throat when swallowing, she couldn’t walk. She became partially paralyzed from Gardasil vaccine and was in and out of 2 different hospitals for life-saving treatments. (I blame myself for my child’s illness, I let the pediatrician give her that vaccine. I was never told of any dangers or side effects; but I should have known better because I was the parent.) When we thought she was not going to pull through or get well and I didn’t have anything else to lose, I continued to pray and everyone I talked to or saw, I asked to pray for my child. I took her to a Chinese medical place who gave me herbs to boil to detox her body – the Chinese doc said she had been poisoned. We did the herbs just like they said and we continued to pray and the churches would pray for her so did the neighbors. About 6 weeks later from last hospitalization and a few weeks of herbal medicines, the weakness that had started in my child’s feet and moved up to her waist area seemed to just halt or stabilize. It was actually a miracle from God. A few months later she started showing improvement. Now she can walk after having surgeries to realign her legs/feet and the illness is either gone or in remission. She had some sort of neuromuscular illness; maybe like a combination of guillian barre syndrome with transverse myolitis and an inflammatory demylinating polyneuropathy illness. Whatever it was I can assure you that gardasil caused it. I only hope telling what happened to my child will save someone else from the pain and suffering she has endured.
Tracie Pistocco says:
This vaccine brought my niece to her knees minutes after it was injected into her body. She suffered for months with numbness on the side of her head. My sister should have never caved into giving her daughter this shot. My niece was lucky that it stopped at neurological damage. These were the same symptoms that occurred to so many others with a few not pulling out of it resulting in death. Since then, I have studied about the process of getting drugs approved these days only to discover that the FDA is a fraud. Mandating vaccines is for political reasons only. Little value or thought is put into human life. Those people who have no concern for the small percentage of suffering for the good of all make me sick to my stomach. Let’s hear their pleas for help when it happens to their children. “Sorry, for your child’s death but it is for the good of all you know. You are a true patriot.” As Big Pharma stuffs their greedy pockets and America’s unethical politicians gain favor from their Oligarch’s. I have worked behind the scenes in politics long enough to see where the true agenda is and believe me or find out the hard way, the agenda is not with humanity.