Persecuted Healers

Dr Burzynski: A Cancer Cure that FDA suppressed for 4 decades (Antineoplastons)
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The story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history.

His victorious battles with the United States government were centered around Dr. Burzynski's gene-targeted cancer medicines he discovered in the 1970's called Antineoplastons, which have currently completed Phase II FDA-supervised clinical trials in 2009 and could begin the final phase of FDA testing in 2011“barring the ability to raise the required $300 million to fund the final phase of FDA clinical trials.
When Antineoplastons are approved, it will mark the first time in history a single scientist, not a pharmaceutical company, will hold the exclusive patent and distribution rights on a paradigm-shifting medical breakthrough.

Antineoplastons are responsible for curing some of the most incurable forms of terminal cancer. Various cancer survivors are presented in the film who chose these medicines instead of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation “ with full disclosure of medical records to support their diagnosis and recovery “ as well as systematic (non-anecdotal) FDA-supervised clinical trial data comparing Antineoplastons to other available treatments which is published within the peer-reviewed medical literature.

This documentary takes the audience through the treacherous, yet victorious, 14-year journey both Dr. Burzynski and his patients have had to endure in order to obtain FDA-approved clinical trials of Antineoplastons.

Dr Max Gerson persecuted for curing cancer naturally.
(source article:

Treating disease through nutritional therapy and detoxification is not a new treatment modality. Dr. Max Gerson discovered the power of healing through nutrition and detoxification more than eighty years ago.
Gerson suffered from migraines since childhood. His early experiments with diet were conducted as a means to find a cure. After becoming an M.D., he recommended his successful migraine diet to his patients, one of whom also suffered from lupus vulgaris (skin tuberculosis). The diet rid the man of migraines, and his skin lesions disappeared as well.
Albert Schweitzer and Max Gerson become lifelong friends after Dr. Gerson's therapy cured Schweitzer of his Type II diabetes, cured Albert'ss daughter of a chronic skin condition, and saved the life of Albert's wife, suffering from tuberculosis of the lung which had not responded to conventional treatment.
As Dr. Gerson continued to treat and cure tuberculosis patients, word spread. A well known and well respected physician set up a carefully monitored, in-house, hospital trial to replicate the results of the Gerson Therapy, but the diet wasn't working. The patients made no progress towards recovery; several actually worsened. The hospital was on the brink of ending the trial when a nurse was caught sneaking prohibited food into the ward. Once the Gerson Therapy diet was strictly enforced, the patients rapidly responded to treatment. Of 450 lupus vulgaris patients - patients suffering from a hideous incurable disease - 446 were cured.
As is often the case when alternative treatments prevail, Dr. Gerson became the object of derision and suspicion by critics in the medical community. It didn't matter that his results had been independently verified in the hospital study, or that sanatoriums were reporting great success treating their patients with his diet therapy. His critics accused him of falsifying data, saying Gerson's patients had never suffered from lupus vulgaris.

During this time a woman with an advanced case of inoperable cancer of the bile duct heard of Gerson success in treating both tuberculosis and arthritis. She asked Dr. Gerson for help, but he didn't want to treat her, fearing an attempt at cancer treatment would increase the professional backlash. But the woman insisted, telling him she would sign a statement holding him harmless if the treatment did not work. She finally convinced him. After she was cured, she brought two relatives with cancer to him for treatment, whom he also cured.
Dr. Gerson decided to appease his critics by conducting a new study. No patient would be included in the study unless two doctors independently confirmed the diagnosis prior to treatment. Unfortunately, Gerson's research was left behind when he fled Nazi Germany.

When he immigrated to the United States and became licensed to practice, he again began treating cancer patients. Gerson said, On the one side, the knife of the AMA was at my throat and on my back. I had only terminal cases. If I had not saved them, my clinic would have been a death house. Some of the cases were brought on stretchers. They couldn't walk. They could no longer eat. It was very, very difficult. So, I really had to work out a treatment that could help these far advanced cases.â
As he continued to refine his treatment, he came to the conclusion that the disease process is essentially the same in all degenerative diseases.
He believed the digestive tract to be the most important part of our bodies. If digestion does not work properly, the body and its other organs are not properly nourished. And if digestion does not work properly, all waste products ”toxins and poisons”are not eliminated. Instead they accumulate in our bodies. If the liver is overwhelmed, good health is impossible.
During the Gerson treatment, the body is flooded with nutrients, oxidizing enzymes, and potassium. No added salt or fats other than flaxseed oil are allowed. Freshly pressed organic fruit and vegetable juices are given hourly. Coffee enemas are administered several times daily. As tumors die, the mass of dead cells are absorbed. They flood the bloodstream. Without proper detoxification, poisons accumulate, and patients, even those whose cancer has been eradicated, will die. Coffee enemas aid in detoxification and decrease pain.

Gerson believed our health begins with the quality of the soil in which our food is grown. “Our soil must be normal, no artificial fertilizers should be used, no poisons, no sprays which go into the soil and poison it. Whatever grows on a poisoned soil carries poison, too. And that is our food, our fruit and vegetables. I am convinced that the soil is our external metabolism. It is not really far removed from our bodies. We depend on it. But our modern food, the "normal" food people eat is bottled, poisoned, canned, color added, powdered, frozen, dipped in acids, sprayed-no longer normal. We no longer have living, normal food, our food and drink is a mass of dead, poisoned material, and one cannot cure very sick people by adding poisons to their systems.
And he believed our diet was also the cause of disease. We cannot detoxify our bodies when we add poisons through our food which is one of the reasons why cancer is so much on the increase. Saving time in the kitchen is fine but the consequences are terrible. Thirty or fifty years ago cancer was a disease of old age. Only elderly people whose liver was no longer working well - was worn out-became sick. They contracted cancer when they were 60 to 70 years old and cancer was a rare disease. Everybody knows that. And now four, even going on one out of three dies of cancer. Now in the second generation it is even worse. The poor children get leukemias more and more. There is no country which has so much leukemia as this country (USA), no country in the world. That is our fault. Ice cream is made with invert sugar. Coca-Cola contains phosphoric acid. Is it surprising that children get degenerative disease?
A documentary "Dying To Have Known" interviewed two patients recovered from Gerson Therapy. The first was a woman who had been cancer free for 6 years following treatment from melanoma which had spread to her liver, causing two large tumors. Her oncologist had told her she had 3-4 months to live. She stayed at the Gerson clinic for two weeks and then followed the diet at home for 10 months before having a new CT scan. The scan was clear. She had attended a cancer support group in which she was the only patient pursuing alternative treatment. Every other member of her support group died. She currently ran a Gerson Clinic in Hungary and active memeber of Gerson online support group.

The second case was a man suffering from testicular cancer who has been cancer free for 10 years. When he returned to his oncologist after just a couple montsh on the Gerson diet, his CT scan showed he was cancer free. His doctor said it was a miracle. The film includes many more amazing interviews, stories of men and women who completely regained their health and vitality. The documentary also traced and interviewed doctors in other countries who are successfully treating cancer patients with the Gerson Therapy. The Loma Linda Clinic in Japan is run by two doctors, one of whom, Prof. Yoshihiko Hoshino, M.D., developed colon cancer sixteen years ago that metastasized to his liver. He cured his own cancer through the Gerson Therapy and has remained cancer free for fifteen years. Through the clinic, they have treated more than 500 cancer patients using the Gerson Therapy. He intent to publish his work in a book title "A Cancer Therapy: 50 cases", then he found himself poisoned while his stranscripts were missing, he managed to rewrite and publish the book in time before he was 'murdered".
The Gerson Therapy has been used to successfully fight cancer and other degenerative diseases for more than 80 years, currently his daughter Charlotte Gerson continue his father's work in Gerson Institute in Mexico. and yet, a quick search on the Internet reveals many sites that claim the Gerson Therapy to be nothing short of quackery.
Conventional medicine continues to dismiss the success of plant based nutritional therapy. As long as pharmaceutical companies remain the driving force behind conventional medicine and remain in control of the medical journals, pharmaceutical treatment will prevail.
Dr Johanna Budwig: The Flaxseed Oil and Protein Diet

Dr. Johanna Budwig, one of Germany top biochemists, who was nominated for the nobel prize (seven times) for her work, discovered that people with these kinds of diseases also had a deficiency of certain essential fatty acids. Your body must have these EFAs in order to maintain good health, but it cannot manufacture them on its own, therefore you MUST get them from your food. Unfortunately the typical American diet provides very little Omega 3 and usually provides too much Omega 6. The proper balance is very important.
Dr. Budwig sucessfully treated thousands of patients with her protocol which included the flax oil cottage cheese recipe as well as freshly juiced fruits & vegetables; and she forbid other food items such as sugar, meat, animal fat, margarine, butter, and a few more. The Budwig Protocol can be found in Dr. Budwig book "The Oil Protein Diet Cookbook" This diet is also known asThe Anti-Cancer Diet.
Her success rate was incredible. Many of her patients, terminally ill with cancer, had basically been sent home to die. But by following the Budwig protocol, 90% of them fully regained their health. She stated that the other 10% had likely received too much damage from the traditional medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, which she strongly opposed. She continue to be harrased by the authority and put to courts, but nothing can stopped her treating patients with success until she passed away at age of 95 in 2003.
Why did this protocol work so well? Actually it's all VERY scientific. Read Budwid Research Trial
She authored: Flax Oil As a True Aid Against Arthritis Heart Infarction Cancer and Other Diseases and The Problem and The Solution

Visit for testimonials, guidebook and resource.

Dr Ernest Krebs: The Story of Vitamin B17

During 1950 after many years of research, a dedicated biochemist by the name of Dr. Ernest T. Krebs, Jr., isolated a new vitamin that he numbered B-17 and called Laetrile. As the years rolled by, thousands became convinced that Krebs had finally found the complete control for all cancers, a conviction that even more people share today. Back in 1950 Ernest Krebs could have had little idea of the hornet nest he was about to stir up. The pharmaceutical multinationals, unable to patent or claim exclusive rights to the vitamin, launched a propaganda attack of unprecedented viciousness against B-17, despite the fact that hard proof of its efficiency in controlling all forms of cancer surrounds us in overwhelming abundance. Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non-drug approach?
G. Edward Griffin, author of the book "World Without Cancer" contends that the answer is to be found not in science, but in politics, and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment.
Each year, thousands of Americans travel to Mexico to receive vitamin B-17 (Laetrile) therapy. They do this because it has been suppressed in the United States. Most of these patients have been told that their cancer is terminal and that they have but a few months to live. Yet, an incredible percentage of them have recovered and they are living normal lives. However, the FDA, the AMA, the American Cancer Society, and the cancer research centres continue to pronounce that Laetrile is fraud and quackery. The recovered patients, they say, either had spontaneous remission€ or never had cancer in the first place. If any of these people ultimately die after seeking Laetrile, spokesmen of orthodox medicine are quick to proclaim: You see? Laetrile doesn't work! Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of patients die each year after undergoing surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, but those treatments continue to be touted as safe and effective.

In the U.S. the FDA has tried to use strict regulations, not law, to ban vitamin B-17 for over 18 years. Vitamin B-17, or Laetrile Therapy is only used by some hospitals in Mexico, which treat cancer with nutrition. These hospitals achieve nearly a 100% recovery rate with virgin cases (localised tumours/cancers that have not yet been burned up with radiation, poisoned with chemotherapy, or cut into with surgery). A majority of Laetrile-treated patients report positive responses, ranging from increase in the feeling of well-being and even brighter outlook of life, to such noticeable reactions as an increase in appetite, weight gain and, frequently, restoration of natural colour, reduction or elimination of cancer-connected pain and cancer-caused fetor. In thousands of cases, total regression of all cancer symptoms has been confirmed.
Vitamin B-17, commonly known as Amygdalin, or Laetril, is a natural substance that can be found in a variety of species in the Vegetable kingdom. The greatest concentration is found in the seeds of the rosaceous fruits, such as apricot kernels and other bitter nuts. There are many seeds, cereals and vegetables that contain minimal quantities of vitamin B-17 and form part of our daily diet.
With great satisfaction we are proud to present this vegetable agent whose anti-cancer properties have been known empirically for many years, but in the last twenty years they have been scientifically proven, primarily through the clinical studies directed by Dr. Ernesto Contreras Rodriguez and carried out in the OASIS of Hope Hospital formerly known as the Centro Medico y Hospital Del Mar at Playas de Tijuana, B.C.N. Mexico. More than 100,000 patients have sought Contreras care since 1963.

Know all about B17 cure, download free B17 Therapy Guide Book


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